I have cleaned out my medicine cabinet + cleaning closet and replace almost everything with an essential oils replacement. It’s so wonderful to know my home and family are chemical free! From bug spray to bath salts, sugar scrubs to ant repellent and so much more! I’d love to share my oily projects with you.
I love sharing my favorite things with you all! I always hope you will love them as much as I do! One of those things that I KNOW you would love is an array of Young Living essential oils. They have changed my life and are amazing tools for maintaining natural health and wellness!
I use essential oils in the kitchen! That’s right, I said in the kitchen! I use them in our favorite snow ice cream recipe, as well as in dips, sauces and more! Essential Oils are also the reason I am finally drinking enough water. I use them in my daily beauty routine! This sugar scrub will give you the smoothest shaved legs and softest hands and I also replaced my paraben-laden eye make up remover for this DIY version that is chemical free!
My whole family has benefited from introducing essential oils into our our everyday lives! I am so confident that they can benefit you and your family as well!
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the life force of our natural environment and created to work perfectly with our bodies. It is funny that the media talks about essential oils like it is a new trend – people have been using them for thousands of years! Heck, the Three Wise Men brought Jesus Essential oils! If they are good enough for Jesus, they are good enough for me {wink, wink}
There are lots of places you can buy essential oils, but I guarantee you that the high-schooler working at Whole Foods cannot educate you on any aspect of the oils they have on the shelves! I love how Young Living is a trusted source and a pioneer in bringing the use of therapeutic oils to the United States. You can read more about why I chose Young Living oils below!
I love them so much that I decided it was time to start SHARING these oils with everyone. After using them for so long, I had this underlying need to share them with everyone I talked to! After doing this for a few months I decided that I would make this a normal day to day thing for me and my family!
To kick off this adventure, I am running an amazing special on the NEW Premium Starter Kits!
What’s in the NEW Premium Starter Kit?

- Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
- Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil
- Copaiba Vitality Essential Oil
- Thieves Vitality Essential Oil Blend
- DiGize Vitality Essential Oil Blend
- R.C. Essential Oil Blend
- Frankincense Essential Oil
- Purification Essential Oil Blend
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Panaway Essential Oil Blend
- Stress Away Essential Oil Blend
Each bottle contains 85-100 drops of oil so this collection gets you around 900 drops. A typical application is 1-4 drops so they will last you awhile.
- 10 oil sample packets (2 each of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves)
- 10 Sample Bottles
- NingXia Red samples
- AromaGlide roller fitment (so you can create a roll-on bottle)
- Welcome to Young Living booklet
- Love It? Share It! Cards
- Love It? Share It! Bottles
- Essential Oils at a Glance User’s Guide
- Product Guide and Product Price List.
- Your lifetime wholesale membership, with product discounts.
Another awesome thing about the NEW Premium Starter Kits is that they have the FLEX Oils options! In case an oil in the Everyday Oils collection is out of stock, it will be replaced by one of these equally as awesome oils so that your kit can ship to you right away with no delay! This is an awesome addition to the already amazing kit!
Why buy a Premium Starter Kit as opposed to Individual Oils?
Well that is a great question and I have a simple answer for you! You will get the absolute best bang for your buck by going with a Premium Starter Kit at wholesale pricing versus paying retail! Even better because you are order as a kit you get ADDED bonus at an ever BETTER price!

If you have been on the fence about getting started with essential oils, NOW is the time! I am offering these awesome freebies to you because I KNOW you will love them as much as I do!

If you sign up using member #2388478 and fulfill the requirements below, I will send you a bottle of Theives Household Cleaner PLUS a Surprise thank you gift valued at $25 for a total value of over $50 in free extras!*
How do I get started with Young Living Essential Oils?
If you are ready to buy a starter kit, then be sure to sign up as a wholesale member (with one of the premium starter kits) through the instructions below.
- Head over to the Young Living page here and fill out your information.
- Be sure the “Wholesale Member” option is checked so that you don’t end up paying retail prices.
- Be sure the “sponsor ID” and “enroller id” say 2388478 (so that I can send you your freebies!)
- Select which starter kit you want to get. My recommendation would be the Premium Starter Kit that we discussed above (and that’s the one where you get all of the freebies I am offering!) Those are the oils that I use almost every single day!
- Step 2 is (Optional). Essential Rewards is a great program where you choose monthly auto-ships and earn free products and a % of your purchase in ER Points to use for future free products! If you’re going to be purchasing products monthly then it’s a great program that will give you credit back with each order and save you on shipping costs. Earning ER Points on your starter kit is only possible if you enroll at sign up. You can ALWAYS sign up at a later date as well, just not getting credit for any previous purchases.
- If you skipped the Essential Rewards you can add additional products as well.
- Go through the checkout process.
- Send an email telling me you signed up for the FEBRUARY Promotion and that you want your freebies and to be added to my own personal private Facebook group as well as The Oil Nation Facebook group! There is a wealth of knowledge in these groups where we LOVE to chat oils and answer questions! Be sure to send an email or I will not know to send your freebies!
[contact-form to=”cheryl@thatswhatchesaid.net” subject=”Young Living Essential Oils Feb Promo”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
*Freebies are sent about 3 weeks after sign up is complete, so you will have your kit and be ready to dive in!
BONUS Step 9 (COMPLETELY Optional!)
If you would like to earn a BONUS essential oil, then you need to get your order total up to 190 PV (different products have different point values). If you get the $160 Premium Starter Kit then you’ll automatically have 100 point value… then you’ll just need 90 more points to get the bonus oil. For example, you could grab an extra bottle of Thieves Oil at 33.75 points, 15 ml bottle of Lavender at 23.5 points, 15 ml bottle of Lime at 12.25 points, and the 14.4 ounces of Thieves Household Cleaner at 22 points (just pour one cap-full of the concentrated Thieves cleaning solution into a spray bottle and it lasts for a really long time!) All of those items will bring your total points up to 191.5 which will qualify you to get the monthly BONUS oil! (This step is completely optional!)
{Scroll down for several frequently asked questions!}
***Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website.
Does signing up make me a “distributor”?
Nope! You are not required to sell anything at all to anyone. When you become a wholesale member, you get a special link that you can share with friends and get credit from their purchases, but there are no minimum sales amounts at all. In fact, 90% of the wholesale members in Young Living don’t do the business side at all. They are buying from Young Living because of the quality alone. After loving and sharing the oils so much, I decided to jump over to the business side but that is completely optional and not necessary to be a wholesale member!
Am I required to make a minimum purchase each month?
There are absolutely NO minimum monthly purchase requirements. To remain a wholesale member, you have to make $50 worth of purchases per year to keep your membership. But if there’s a year that you don’t make a $50 purchase, you can reinstate your wholesale membership discount by just placing a $50 order. Super easy!!
If you do find yourself making regular purchases each month, then Young Living has a rewards program (called Essential Rewards) where you can make a nice percentage back in product credit each month on all of your purchases. So that’s a neat program to join if you find that you *want* to purchase regularly (but it’s not a requirement for being a wholesale member).

Why should I buy from Young Living instead of other essential oils companies?
It does seem like a new essential oils company pops up every day, doesn’t it?
I can’t speak to the quality of other companies, but I can say that Young Living was the only company in my research of essential oil companies that could answer all of my questions about purity in a way that was satisfactory to me.
Young Living was the only company that has their own farms (in the regions where the plants should be grown), could absolutely guarantee that no pesticides or herbicides were used in the growing of any of their oils (they use essential oils for pest control and they do all of the weeding by hand), has their own testing equipment (they do both in-house and 3rd party testing, and use many different testing methods not just GC/MS which only tests for certain chemicals, not whether those chemicals are synthetic or not), and only uses the first distillation of oils instead of adding chemicals to get more out of the plant.
Young Living also was the only company that was directly in charge of essential oil farming operations. Every other company I researched goes through some kind of an “oil broker” to buy their oils. They have to trust that the oil broker is telling the truth, who has to trust that the essential oil distilleries are telling the truth, who have to trust that the farmers are telling the truth about what they say they are doing.
With Young Living, you just have to trust one company instead of several.
I feel like it’s a trust step either way (anyone could be lying) but I felt the most comfortable trusting Young Living since they are a full-disclosure company. ANYONE can visit the farms, participate in the harvesting and distillation, view the Young Living labs, and see the entire process. That’s not an option with any other company.
How will I know which oils to use for what?
One of the benefits of getting a starter kit through this promotion is that you also get to join our private Facebook group that’s specifically for questions about essential oils!
Also there are a great amount of resources available to you for reference and research!

Does Young Living only sell essential oils?
The answer to this one was surprising to me when I first got my starter kit! Young Living actually has an entire line of personal care products, supplements, meal replacements, energy drinks, and more! Almost every product incorporates essential oils (for example, frankincense is absolutely wonderful in facial products), but there’s a wide variety of products available.

Not ready to make the Premium Starter Kit Investment? (Because it is an investment, in your family’s health and wellness!) Although I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit because you will fall in love with essential oils AND get all those great educational FREEBIES, I also understand that sometimes you want to start small!
You can also sign up as a Retail Member HERE.

Need more ideas on what you can do with essential oils? Here are a few of the ways I used them and posted about, but I promise there so many other uses in addition to these!
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