Happy Friday!!!!
I’m excited to share with you my tutorial on how to make this cute fabric Valentine’s Day Wreath! I hope you love it!
Items Needed:
- 3 yards of coordinating fabrics
- 14” straw wreath form (I found mine at Hobby Lobby)
- Philips Screwdriver
- Pinking Shears
- Felt in coordinating colors
- Embroidery Floss in coordinating colors
- Embroidery Needle
- Paper clips
- Scissors
- Scotch tape
I started out by cutting my fabric in roughly 4” x 4” squares with my pinking shears. I chose to use Red, Pink and White fabrics. You can also use prints, however be sure that BOTH sides of the fabric are colored and that the back side is not white with print only on one side.
1. Center the head of the screwdriver on one of your fabric squares. 2. Fold down the fabric over the screwdriver. 3. Push the screwdriver with fabric into the straw wreath form.
Repeat in alternating colors until the wreath is full. Be sure not to push the fabric in too far, you want it to fluff out a bit to add coverage. You can always pull it out and try it again if you don’t like it!
My 3 yards of fabric (1 yard in each color) covered all the sides of the wreath except the back. I left that empty so the wreath would sit flat against my door.
Even though the wreath is already cute to boot, I thought I wanted to add a tad bit more, in the spirit of Valentine’s Day! I cut out (2) pieces each of an X and an O in felt. I chose to use pink and white felt for these. I doubled the patterns up to give them some UMPH and used my red embroidery floss to add the “stitching” design on the outside of the letters!
I bent a paperclip and used a bit of scotch tape to attach them to the back of the felt letters leaving the bent part of the paper clip outwards! Push that piece sticking out into your wreath and now your X and O are snug in place!
I hope you love this as much as I do! It’s also a great stress release! Cut your fabric in front of your TV, put that DVR to work and catch up on your favorite shows! Had a bad day? Pushing that screwdriver in the wreath is a great stress reliever! You are de-stressed and end up with a cute wreath!
I just hung mine on a wreath hanger, if you need to you can easily add a loop of ribbon to the back for a hanger!
Comments & Reviews
Kat says
i found this on Pinterest and had to make one! It’s so cute! https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/1957965_10152549007661922_4020662840433259923_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=05dbffff08479f4ef8889b0a3bcaaa2b&oe=55654ACD&__gda__=1432346013_4dac4136d156571ba1238584aefd49bb
Ruth says
I’m so excited that I found this project on Pinterest. Years ago, a friend of mine taught me to do this. I was looking for something inexpensive and simple for my front door…this is it! Thanks for the inspiration!!
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Yay! These are so much fun and I love that you can 100% customize the colors! Have a great weekend Ruth!