You can scour Pinterest and find a million ways to wrap a gift. Options really are endless. I made the boys a “Book-a-Day Advent Calendar” this year and I wrapped each of the books to look like Santa! They thought I was GENIUS! This Santa Gift Wrap is so easy and sure to add festivities to under your tree!
Supplies needed:
- Red Wrapping Paper
- Scissors
- Tape
- Black Ribbon
- Gold Scrapbooking Paper (mine was cardstock)
- X-acto Knife
I simply wrapped all the books in the red gift wrap. I used some from Hobby Lobby that was really nice and thick…it was kind of a pain for the small children’s books. I went to Dollar Tree the day after and found red gift wrap there…I’d use that next time, lol!
I taped a piece of black ribbon in the center of the package and then cut out a buckle from the gold cardstock with my scissors and Xacto knife.
The kids loved it! I did too! It’s simple yet festive! I also love the Book A Day Advent Calendar Idea! It’s a great way to count down to Christmas while enjoying so many Christmas books! I picked up some of the Fun Packs from my kid’s scholastic book orders at school! I have a mix of books for all three boys in there!