Life is busy. Am I right? No matter if you work full time, stay at home, work from home, have no children or 5…life can get busy! I’m sharing today a Mocha Iced Coffee Float, my 10 minute sanity saver that I enjoy regularly. It picks me up and get’s me going so I can tackle the rest of my day!
I know you all can relate to busy days! Ours starts with the normal morning things…breakfast, missing shoes, “Oh yeah, Mom I have to bring in 127 items for the 127th day of school….blah, blah, blah! Then ours progresses to bus stop for Michael, followed by pre-K drop off for Ryan, that is followed by Spangenbaby wanting FOOD and then a nap! Once I get him down, the dog needs to be let out and fed, the dishes aren’t going to do themselves and my email is growing and starting to shout at me!
Next it’s a woken baby because the dogs next door bark all the live long day, diaper changes, feedings, pre-K pick up, lunch time, play time, pretending to be a super hero time, answering 1,789.256 questions until finally it’s nap time again for the baby and either a quick nap or quiet time for Ryan. That also happens to be about the time Michael comes walking home from the bus.
I love to wait outside for him and have a few minutes to ask him about his day while enjoying a quiet moment myself. This is where the International Delight Iced Coffees come in to save the day! Here is my little afternoon pick me up to get me though dinner and bed time!
I add a scoop of ice cream to a mason jar, because we all know things are just better in mason jars :)
Then I cover with International Delight Iced coffee.
Mocha is my absolute favorite but I do love Vanilla and Carmel Macchiato as well!

I sit and relax and take 10 minutes for myself. It’s glorious. There is no brewing, no chilling, no mixing. I simply open the cap and pour. It’s probably the one and only easy thing in my entire day!
It’s delicious, it tastes like it’s from a coffee house, however I didn’t have to leave my home and it didn’t cost me $7!
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