Make a customized doormat with only a few supplies for a fraction of the cost of the ones at the big box stores! Best part about this is your DIY Monogram Doormat can look any way your heart desires!
Here is how this played out in my house!
“Aren’t people just going to wipe their feet on it?” A question that I would expect to hear from my husband’s mouth, but instead it came out of my 5 year old’s mouth! Just like his daddy!
Me: “Well, yes, but I didn’t want it to be boring. I wanted it to be pretty!”
Michael: “Alright but don’t complain to me when someone wipes mud all over it!”
Me: {Seeing wheels turning in his little head} “Don’t you dare wipe mud all over it!”
Michael: {Disappointed look…turned into evil mischievous look} “OK!” and runs out!
BOYS! Seriously…

I love the ones at BBB that have the rubber base with cute swirls and then you can interchange the mats for your Last Name Initial or holidays. I just needed an initial but not at $60.
I started out with this guy from Wal-Mart. $6. You can’t beat that. Clean lines, colors I wanted. Score!

To the left it was! (My husband would then start singing Beyoncé’s “To the left, to the left…” )
I placed the vinyl down and poured some Black Acrylic Paint. Acrylic is permanent and that’s what you want! I started with a foam brush but it wasn’t covering that great. It couldn’t get in all the nooks and cranny’s of the rug.

So a fabulous, personalized doormat for under $10! Can’t beat that!
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Comments & Reviews
Cookie17 says
Like this idea,we go through couple each year glad told where you can get low priced (cheaplol,) mats,Thank’s Hon have great week…
Cheryl says
yes, so you can change them our for seasons also and it won’t break your bank! So far it has lasted a few huge thunderstorms and still looks great! :)
Jen Marrs says
Cheryl- this is so cute! I was looking for a mat at walmart about a month ago to do this with- And this one you found is Perfect! Think I may have to head back and see if they have it! Great job!
Cheryl says
Thanks Jen!
Maureen says
Who drew the apple?
P.S. I love to stencil! It can be the greatest way to decorate. I did rabbits on Jac’s nursery walls and wish I could send you a picture but I don’t know how to do that. :(
Cheryl says
Michael drew it…for Ryan. Ryan is a bit obsessed with “A…A…Apples!” :)
Danyelle Franciosa says
Hello Cheryl, that was very cute and I love the idea in making that Mat! Who drew the apple? I was expecting what’s next with the letter S and I wonder you put only S.
Emily says
Great Idea. I need to cut one of those Cameos so I can have letters people can read.
suzyhomemaker says
I love this mat! You did such a good job. I really want to make one now. I will need to pin it, since my project list os very long right now.
Cheryl says
Thanks! I understand…the to do list never seems to get any shorter!
Tausha says
This is genius! I have been racking my brain to know what to do for my mom for mothers day. She is the woman who has everything and she does not have anymore wall space. This is perfect! Thank you so much! Pinning for sure!
Thanks so much for inspiration!
Have a happy Tuesday!
Cheryl says
Thanks Tausha!
Morena says
It looks like you bought it! I need some mats to replace the back door ones the dog chewed up….grrrr. Thanks for the great idea! Off to wally world….
Cheryl says
Thanks Morena! So much better than actually buying it :) (and cheaper too!)
Maureen says
Hey Girlfriend,
I forgot to say yesterday that isn’t it a “YES” moment when you finally find the use for the extra part that you’ve held onto for awhile? My husband is a huge “Oh Throw It Out” person and I am NOT! It drives me crazy the way he can get rid of things. Example – We had been married about a year and I had bought a map of the city we were living in so that I could find my way around. Internet was brand new and there weren’t things like Google and Mapquest yet. Everytime he decided to be helpful and clean my car he threw out the map. This made me buy another eventually. I had to buy three overall. His thinking was that we live here; we don’t need a map. Mine was that there is so much to see and do; we could use a map! I finally told him that he wasn’t allowed to clean out my car anymore. LOL
I hope you are having the best day ever!
Cheryl says
Yes, I feel all smart and thrifty and give myself a little pat on the back! And I am SURE to gloat to my husband about how I saved something and used it again! You know…just to prove my point! :) Have a great day also!
Becca says
I adore this idea. I have a cheapo dollar store mat in front of our door. It’s navy blue- wondering if white paint would work. Get messy quicker, but I’m gonna give it a shot. Thanks for the idea. I’ll link back to this post if I finish it :)
Carrie@My Favorite Finds says
I chose this as a feature on Sugar Bee Crafts today. Stop by and check it out.
Belle says
Looks great! I’d love for you to add it on my link party at: Thanks!
kendra says
This is awesome! I need to replace my mat anyways, I’m pinning but hopefully I will do it soon!!! Cheers!
Karen Whitney says
This is gorgeous! It came out great! I voted for you in that contest, you are like #10 now, well done you :)
Cheryl says
Thanks Karen! I appreciate the nice comment on my doormat and the vote!
Jessica @ Stay at Home-ista says
Such a good idea! I just ordered a Cameo last week, a mother’s day gift if you will, so I’ll have to go back to your archives to see how you are getting along with yours:)
Lolly Jane says
So cute and simple. Pinned (:
Cheryl says
Thanks! :) Have a great weekend!
Michelle says
Really cute – going to make a special wedding present! Pinned it :)
Cheryl says
Thanks Michelle! I am itching to make a few more!