Who else here is really, really bad about doing things for themselves? Who puts their family first? Who puts their job or spouse’s schedule or kid’s schedules before their own? If you raised your hand {which I am guessing most everyone did because that’s what we “do”} then I have a wonderful post for YOU today. DIY Bath Salts are SO EASY to make, you can customize to your needs using different essential oils and cost next to nothing to make so you can indulge any time you get the chance!
I also love to make these for other people in my life who need some “me time”. It’s so much easier to take some time for yourself when you have someone else TELL you to do so and GIFT you these amazing tubes of bath goodness!
This post contains consultant links.
Supplies Needed:
- Kosher Sea Salt
- Epsom Salts
- Essential Oils
- Glass container with air tight lid, preferably cork.
- Bowl & Spoon for Mixing.
- Funnel for transfer
- Embellishments (optional)
This is SO EASY. I take my container I want to use, and I fill it half full of Kosher Sea Salt & the rest of the way full with the Epsom Salts. Then I know exactly how much I need :) I pour this into a mixing bowl.
I add my choice of essential oils. (See Below) and mix well. Using the funnel I transfer back to my container. You can embellish with washi tape, ribbons, etc. You can also add little tags to name each salt (ex. Lavender Citrus, Eucalyptus Spearmint, Peace & Calming)
Get creative with your containers! I picked up these cute glass test tubes with cork tops at Michael’s. They work Perfectly and they totally make my geeky, chemical engineer brain totally happy! I also have this class container with the cork lid and cute little wooden scoop that I picked up from Hobby Lobby! I purchased it during their sale when craft glass was 50% off!
I use the rule of thumb that for every 1/2 cup of salts, I use 20 drops of essential oils! You only need about 5-10 of PanAway. What are some great Essential Oils to use, you ask? Here are my favorites!
If you are interested in starting an oily lifestyle, just curious about oils, or you want to get your hands on these oils RIGHT NOW then be sure to head over to my Oils page! You can learn more and sign up as either a retail customer if you just want a few oils or as a wholesale member to get the Premium Starter Kit as well as a home diffuser + FREEBIES and get all your oils at a 24% off retail!

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