Today I am sharing 22 Free Holiday Fonts! These free fonts are super easy to download and use on invitations, holiday cards, printables, gift tags, handmade goods labels, newsletters, and more! Be sure to leave a comment with your favorite one!
How to Download Fonts
I have a detailed tutorial that explains how to download free holiday fonts to your computer and then how to upload them and use them in Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Studio and Microsoft Word.
You can find How to Download Free Holiday Fonts Here.
Where to Use Free Fonts
Like I mentioned above, you can use these fonts with your Cricut in Cricut Design Space, with your Cameo or Portrait in Silhouette Studio and also with Microsoft word.
Make Coffee Mugs with Vinyl, Shirts with Iron on, or invitations and cute address labels with Microsoft Word.
Free fonts are for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
This is very, very important. If you would like to use these fonts in conjunction with finished goods that you sell, it is very important that you click through to the designer and purchase the commercial license for that font!
Click each link of the font name below and you can download from there!
Candy Cane | Frosty | Krystal | Happy Days | Christmas Lights |Igloo Caps
SnowHouse | Christmas | St. Nicholas | Weehah | Greetings | Snowflake Letters
Ornamental Versals | Santa’s Sleigh | Ice Caps | Christmas Card | Snow Blind |
Mikie’s Christmas List | One Starry Night | Kingsthings Christmas
Cocktail Bubbly | Let it Snow
Be sure to check out all my Free Fonts on my Free Fonts Page!

WANT MORE FREE FONTS? Be sure to sign up for my Freebie email club where I share free printables, free SVG Files, and FREE FONTS!
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Don’t forget to tell me which is your favorite free Christmas Font!
Comments & Reviews
imklvr says
You’re kidding, right? Pick a favorite? sheesh. Be easier to pick one I didn’t like! …….. Uh, no it wouldn’t.
Thanks, kiddo! These are great! Oh! A lot like you, huh?
Cheryl says
I know right?!? I love them all too!
Shelly says
I know this may sound silly but I`ve downloaded some of the fonts and and when I open up the folder it just shows a page I can print. My question is…How do i use them?
Cheryl says
Hi Shelly!
Make sure you are clicking the name of the font you want to download below the graphic and not the graphic itself. Also be sure when you are downloading you chosee the true type font file and not the text file! There is also a link in the post that directs you back to my last font post that gives you exact photos of the download steps! Let me know if you have any further issues!
Camille says
I have to pick just ONE favorite??? I love them all – for different reasons! Thank you so much! These are fabulous!
Cheryl says
I agree with you Camille! I am so glad you said this because I was trying to pick a good variety!
Crystal says
They are all so cute, but the snowflake or Let it Snow are my favorites, but I love snowflakes :)
Cheryl says
Crystal, my mom loves snowflakes too so they always make me think of her! Now I will think of you too! Thanks so much for stopping over!
Darla Welch says
Shelly, you’re clicking on the sample of the font that she’s showing. Go below that picture and click on the NAME of the font. From there you can open and download to put the font onto your computer.
Heidi says
Thanks for these awesome fonts! I downloaded several, and I’m pinning, too! Now, if only there was a way to save fonts in categories. Wouldn’t that be awesome? I’m visiting from
Cheryl says
Agreed Heidi! I spend so much time searching for a font that I think I know the name of and I was totally wrong!
Dixie n Dottie says
These are all so cute! Would love if you’d join our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope to see you there! Have a great week! :)
Cheryl says
I will stop over today! Thanks for the invite!
capturing joy with kristen duke says
Fun! I like the first, Candy Cane font best!
Cheryl says
Thanks Kristen! That’s one of my favorites too! I used it for the individual day banners for my 25 days of Christmas series! Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving a comment!
Linda says
Thank you for the fonts! My favorite is “Christmas Card.”
Cheryl says
You are welcome Linda!!
Heather J says
i was wondering if there was a folder with ALL the fonts included in it. That way i wouldn’t have to download them one at a time, because I LOVE ALL OF EM!!!
Cheryl says
Thanks Heather!! Unfortunately there is not just one folder because they are from a variety of sites!! I love them all too!!
Coco says
Thanks a million! Really useful!
Boofany18 says
LOVE THESE!!! I shared this site with one of my friends too, we make fliers all the time and these are going to be great for our designs!!
Teri Terrific says
Thank you! I chose 5 of these to download because I like them; and I already have the others!!! :D I love fonts, don’t you? :)
Cheryl Spangenberg says
LOVE Fonts Teri!
Joann says
I love the fonts is there a way to download to my Silhouette program.
Cheryl Spangenberg says
You can use any fonts on your computer with Silhouette Studio! They will automatically appear in your font list after they are downloaded to your computer! :)
Heather says
Thank you for the links. Could you please tell me what font you used for the Holiday Happenings Link button above? I love it!!
Debbie says
Are these fonts available for commercial use? Thanks!
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Debbie you would need to check each individual font (links provided) and check out the owners terms and conditions. Thanks!
Wendy says
Am I able to use these fonts on my iPad?
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Yes, Wendy! I have on my list a tutorial on how to download them to the iPad if you don’t already know how!
Caitlin M. says
Thank you so much!! The Igloo Caps link didn’t work, but everything else did.
Cheryl Spangenberg says
Thanks for the heads up! I updated it!