Yesterday was a snow day for us here in St. Louis and my kids LOVE to make Snow Ice-cream and Snow Cones! Since all my friends out in Eastern USA are expecting LOTS of snow, I thought it would be a great time to share how to make your own Snow Cone Syrup in case you have a snow day soon too!
There is no reason to purchase those big bottles of syrup when you can make it yourself!! It’s fast and easy and everything is better when you make it yourself ;-)
We lived for several years in Minnesota, so my kids are no strangers to snow. When we get a snow day here, they don’t really care to go play in it, because according to them “It’s not even enough, mom!” They are so used to feet and feet and FEET that when we get a few inches, they’d much rather just make things to EAT with it!
Here I dug up a few pictures of some snow days in MN. When my family from St. Louis would visit, my dad had to shovel a path to the swing set in the backyard because pushing my boys on the swings was their thing they did and 4.5 feet of snow was not going to stop them!
Oh and here was snowmageddon. This was the weekend we sold our house actually! 18 inches in less than 14 hours. It was insane. So you can only imagine that my kids don’t find much joy in the 2 inches we get here and there now that we live in the “south” :) They’d rather eat! Here are pictures of my husband who is about 6 foot.
This kid LOVED those big snow banks! He would make slides and tunnels and loved to play on them. When we get 2 inches now he is less than amused!
Enough of my little snow baby…On to the recipe!
How to Make Your Own Snow Cone Syrup:

Snow Cone Syrup
Print Recipe Pin RecipeIngredients
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup water
- 1 packet Kool Aid Drink Mix
- Add Water and Sugar to a small saucepan,
- Heat the mixture until boiling making sure all the sugar dissolves.
- Boil for 2-3 minutes to reduce a bit of the water
- Remove from heat and let cool.
- Add flavor packet and enjoy over clean fresh WHITE snow!
- Store in an airtight bottle.