Welcome back to Tuesday Tips & Tricks. Every Tuesday I share a tip or a trick that I learned or that I do daily in my home that I think you all might like. Last week I shared an idea for what to do with holiday cards after the holidays are over!
Some of these tricks and tips you might already know or been doing, yay! If not, then maybe it can help you!
Today I have one that is really annoying my family right now! When the winter cold hits and that dry, brisk air is all around us what happens??? YOU SHOCK EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN YOUR PATH! Ouch!
Simple Solution:
Carry a fabric softener sheet in your pocket. Not only will this help with the shocks, it will help with static cling on pants, skirts and static hair as well! AND it makes you smell fabric fresh!! :)
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Comments & Reviews
Diane says
It is the lack of humidity. I know because we have an electric furnace and it has water to it. I use our fireplace a lot more and don’t turn on the electric furnace and some times we have shock factor. So I like to run it in the morning also to warm all the house up.